Monday February 19th Announcements:
1. Good luck to our GBB team as they play Langdon in the opening round of the regional tournament today at 3:00. Players should eat at 11:30 and will be leaving at 12:00. There will be a send off at 11:50.
2. There is no HS BBB practice after school.
3. Congratulations to Cooper Handly for being selected ND FBLA Region I Member of the Month for January.
4. Tutoring will take place today during CLT in the library and ITV rooms. This is available for the remainder of the school year.
Today's Lunch: Creamy Chicken Hotdish, Dinner Roll, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Mini Waffles, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: The color of a chicken's earlobe is a good indicator of the color of the eggshell it will lay.

Congratulations to the members of the Hatton Eielson MathCounts team who competed at the Traill County Meet last week in Hatton.
Ryder Ness won the competiton and Zane Jacobson finished in 3rd place! Ryder and Zane are still awaiting confirmation that they have qualified for the state competition in Bismarck in March. In 2nd place was Blake Amb from MPCG. An amazing nod to our regional history as the top three were a Ness, an Amb, and a Jacobson. Way to represent the tradition of hard work in the Red River Valley that your ancestors set for you!
Also competing for Hatton were Olivia Beaudoin and Ashton Zimprich. Great job everyone!

Thursday February 15th Announcements:
1. Good luck to Brynley Coleman and the Crookston Pirates as they play in the section championship game against Warroad today. There will be a send off in the gym immediately after the announcements.
2. FCCA would like to thank those that participated in the Twins dress up day today. They appreciate the support not just this week, but all year long. Bingo numbers: 12, 29 FCCLA Members will be coming around 7th period if you would like to purchase a Rootbeer float for $1.
3. Tutoring will be available Monday-Thursday for students grades 7-12. This will take place in the library and ITV rooms during CLT. This is available for the remainder of the school year.
Today's Lunch: French Bread Pizza, Mixed Veggies, Fruit
Monday's Breakfast: Nutri Grain Bar, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: The Cookie Monster's real first name is Sid.

Parent/Teacher Conferences are Thursday February 15th from 3:45-9pm. There is no ESP and there is no school Friday February 16th.

Wednesday February 14th Announcements:
1. FCCLA would like to thank those that participated and wore red or pink today! Tomorrow's dress up day is Twin Day! And the Bingo numbers are: 6, 16, 30
2. Prom sign-up sheets are in the office. There is also a sign up sheet for t-shirt orders that is due Feb. 15.
3. Happy Birthday to Elise Martin today!
Today's Lunch: Zoo Nuggets, Macaroni and Cheese, Corn, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Poptarts, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: 145 million greeting cards are exchanged every year for Valentine’s Day.

Parents, please take our parent survey. A link has been emailed to you. Thank you for your feedback!

The JH/HS BBB games tonight will be played at the MPCG high school.

Congratulations to the January Students of the Month: Drew Handly, Lizzie Ness and Noah Scholand. Thunder Pride: Jayden Davis and Joey Westmoreland

Kicking off the Kid's Heart Challenge!

Congratulations to Derek Carpenter and Spencer Boe for being named to the 2024 Academic All-State Teams

Tuesday February 13th Announcements:
1. Good luck to our JH/HS BBB teams as they travel to May-Port tonight. The JH games will be played at the elementary school and will start at 4pm. The HS games will be played at the high school and will start at 6pm. JH players will be dismissed at 2:50 and leave at 3pm and HS players will be leaving at 4:40.
2. There is no HS GBB practice.
3. FCCA would like to thank those that participated and wore jerseys today! Tomorrow's dress up day is to wear red or pink for FCCLA Day and Valentines Day! Bingo numbers: 26, 2, 8, 18, 22
4. Happy Birthday to Kypp Hanson today!
Today's Lunch: Pulled Pork, Chips, Baked Beans, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Apple Frudel, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: The United States and Russia are less than 3 miles apart.

Soup's on for Hunger. Benefit Dinner for the Northlands Rescue Mission on Sunday, March 10th. 11 am to 1:30pm at the Hatton Community Center

Monday February 12th Announcements:
1. Good luck to our Varsity GBB team as they play Griggs/Midkota in a region qualifier tonight in New Rockford starting at 4:00. Players will be dismissed at 12:50 and leave at 1:00.
2. JH/HS BBB practice will be in Hatton after school.
3. There will be a NHS meeting tomorrow morning at 8am in Ms. Wood's room.
4. Happy FCCLA Week! Thanks to those that participated and wore your pajamas today! Tomorrow's dress up day is Jersey/Team Day! Bingo numbers: 28, 10, 13, 14, 15
5. Prom sign-up sheets are in the office. The deadline to sign up for the Banquet and Dance is March 20th. There is also a sign up sheet for t-shirt orders that is due Feb. 15.
Today's Lunch: Spaghetti, Green Beans, Garlic Toast, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Ham/Egg/Cheese Bar, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: There are more chickens than people in the world.

FCCLA week February 12-16

The District GBB games are on New Rockford-Sheyenne's YouTube page.

Friday February 9th Announcements:
1. Good luck to our Varsity GBB team as they play Larimore today in New Rockford. Players will be dismissed at 1:10 and leave at 1:20.
2. JH BBB practice will be in Northwood after school.
3. Students grades 7-12 interested in track, please sign up by end of day today.
4. Today is the last day to turn in Valentine orders.
5. Happy Birthday to Jaxson Thieschafer today!
Today's Lunch: Galaxy Pizza, Glazed Carrots, Fruit
Monday's Breakfast: Granola Bar, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: State FBLA is March 24-26th and the Hatton-Northwood chapter is on track to receive their 30th Go for ND Gold Award.

Today is the last day to turn in Valentine order forms.

Thursday February 8th Announcements:
1. Good luck to the JH/HS BBB teams as they travel to Drayton tonight with the 7th grade game starting at 4pm. JH players will be dismissed at 1:30 and leave at 1:40. HS players will be leaving at 3:20.
2. HS GBB practice will be in Hatton after school.
3. There is a golf sign up sheet for boys grades 7-12 outside of Mr. Strand's room.
4. Congratulations to FCCLA Members Olivia Beaudoin, Hannah Scholand, Alicia Foss & Thea Letcher for receiving Gold Ratings at Districts yesterday! They will compete at the State Competition in April.
5. For FBLA Week: Today is Teacher, Staff, State and Local Advisor Appreciation. They would like to thank the Hatton Eielson Staff for what you do for FBLA. Tomorrow is FBLA Member Appreciation Day ~ wear your T-shirts, and there is a meeting at 7:45 with guest speaker and pizza. If you didn't get a shirt please wear blue to show your FBLA Spirit. We will also play Blooket with Mr. B. FBLA crests are hidden in the hallways of the school. We have 13 today only 7 were found yesterday.
6. Valentine order forms need to be turned into the school office by Friday February 9th.
7. Prom sign-up sheets are in the office. The deadline to sign up for the Banquet and Dance is March 20th. There is also a sign up sheet for t-shirt orders that is due Feb. 15.
Today's Lunch: Potato and Ham Soup, Breadstick, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Bar, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: Hatton has had a FBLA chapter since 1986.

Elementary will be doing the Kids Heart Challenge. Kick-off starts February 13th.

Wednesday February 7th Announcements:
1. HS GBB practice will be in Northwood after school.
2. Valentine order forms need to be turned into the school office by Friday February 9th.
3. All students 7-12 make sure to check your email for an SOS survey from Miss. Wood. Please respond to the survey by Friday.
4. CYO will be meeting tonight at 5:30 at St. John Church. Students grades 6-12th are invited.
5. Happy Birthday to Lorelai Blaufuss today!
Today's Lunch: Chicken Fajitas, Corn, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Western Omelet, Toast, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: The 3 words on the FBLA crest are: Service, Education and Progress.