Our FBLA fall leadership team is in Bismarck today and tomorrow for the Fall Leadership Conference.
Save the date! October 26th will be a Halloween Art Night for kids K-6 and their families!
The football game tonight against Sargent County will be live streamed on yourliveevent.
Friday October 6th Announcements:
1. Good luck to the HS football team as they travel to Sargent County for their game at 7pm. Players will be dismissed at 2:50 and leave at 3pm.
2. HS volleyball will be in Northwood after school.
3. JH volleyball practice will be in Hatton after school.
4. Cross country practice will be in Northwood after school.
5. Elementary girls basketball will practice after school.
6. Today is national coaches day and the athletic directors Mr. Evenstad and Mr. Foss wanted to let the coaches know how thankful they are. "A coach will impact more young people in a year than the average person does in a lifetime." So again, thanks for all you do for our students.
7. If you missed the Lego League meeting yesterday and want to join, please talk with Mrs. Varriano and she will get you the information you need. This is for 6th-8th grade.
8. Happy Birthday to Rylan Wamstad today!
Today's Lunch: Taco Pizza, Fruit
Monday's Breakfast: Cereal Bar, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: Some people are born with a double layer of eyelashes.
Congratulations to King Derek Carpenter and Queen Brynley Coleman!!
Picture re-take/make-up day will be tomorrow. If your child(ren) need to re-take or were absent the day school pictures were taken, please have the picture form filled out and ready. Extra forms are in the main office.
Thursday October 5th Daily Announcements
1. HS football practice will be in Northwood after school.
2. HS volleyball practice will be in Northwood after school today.
3. JH volleyball practice will be in Hatton.
4. Cross country practice will be in Larimore after school.
5. Drama practice will be in Northwood today.
6. Good luck to the elementary girls basketball teams as they travel to Mayville today. Players will should be dismissed at 2:50 and will be leaving at 3pm.
7. SMILE will be meeting at 3:10 today. HS please pick up your buddy and meet by the alley door.
8. If you have not voted for Homecoming, please see Mr. Beaudoin as soon as possible.
9. FBLA members please come in on Friday morning and pick up your lollipops to start selling them.
10. Happy Birthday to Audreyana Thorton today!
Today's Lunch: Tomato Soup, Grilled Cheese, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Breakfast Bar, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: Whales have belly buttons.
Elementary had their MMO (Monthly Morning Opening) and the September Students of the month are: 6th Grade - Natalya Axt; 5th Grade - Rayne Piatt; 4th Grade - Kenny LaVallie; 3rd Grade - Oakley Spicer; 2nd Grade - Paityn Vititoe; 1st Grade - Lily Courchene; K - Ariella Axt. The students are chosen based on the character word of the month and September's word was Respect. The 6th Grade class presented on next month's word which is Responsibility. The Class of the Month for September was the 1st grade class.
Wednesday October 4th Announcements:
1. HS volleyball practice will be in Northwood after school.
2. Drama practice will be in Northwood.
3. A reminder that Root beer floats will be served at the concessions during lunch for high school students who completed the reading challenge.
4. CYO will be meeting tonight at 5:30pm at St. John Church for pizza and a game of Amazing Race. Students grades 6-12 are invited.
5. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Dafforn today!
Today's Lunch: Corn Dogs, Smiley Fries, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Omelet, Toast, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: Today is National Golf Lover's Day.
Please remember to contact the school office by the 3pm today if you would like your child(ren) to get a flu shot tomorrow Thursday October 5th. A consent form needs to be filled out per person. Parents are encouraged to be present for elementary students.
Hatton Eielson School SOS (Sources of Strength) group is delighted to announce that Hunter Pinke will be a guest speaker at our school on Friday Oct 13th @ 9am. He will be presenting to 7-12 grade students. The public is welcome to attend. (please keep in mind the subject matter may not be appropriate for young children.) The topic is : Overcoming adversity and mental mindset- No Bad Days
Tuesday October 3rd Announcements:
1. HS football practice will be in Northwood after school.
2. HS volleyball practice will be in Northwood.
3. Good luck to the JH volleyball teams as they travel to Grafton today. Players will be dismissed at 2:10 and leave at 2:20 on bus #4.
4. Cross Country practice will be in Northwood after school.
5. Drama practice will be in Northwood.
6. Good luck to the elementary girls basketball teams as they travel to Central Valley today. Players will be dismissed at 2:40 and leave at 2:50.
7. Students grades 7-12 interested in FCCLA need to pay fees and return the forms to the main office by Friday Oct 6th.
8. There will be a JH/HS student assembly tomorrow morning at 8:30am.
Today's Lunch: Fish Burgers, Chips, Baked Beans, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Mini Bagels, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: You can cook a large pizza on the surface of Venus in 9 seconds.
Download the App, scan your receipts, and help our school receive extra money. Sponsored by FBLA.
Congratulations to Hatton Eielson’s newest National Honor Society inductees: Thea Letcher, Cooper Handly, Lizzie Ness, Christopher Parsons and Rylan Wamstad.
A big thanks!!
Our rescheduled homecoming is coming up! Here is the updated schedule. Coronation is Friday October 6th at 9am.
Lego League will be meeting Thursday Oct 5th
Monday October 2nd Announcements:
1. HS football practice will be in Northwood after school.
2. Good luck to the JH football team as they travel to Park River tonight. Players will be leaving at 4:20.
3. HS volleyball practice will be in Northwood after school.
4. JH volleyball practice will be in Hatton.
5. Cross Country practice will be in Northwood after school.
6. Drama practice will be in Northwood.
7. Elementary girls basketball practice will be after school today.
8. The After School Program is looking for high school students to help, mostly filling in when others can't be there. Please let Mrs. Strand know if you are interested.
9. Congratulations to everyone that completed the September Reading Challenge! As a school, we read a total of 42,798 minutes. The elementary extra recess will be at 2:45 on Tuesday. The middle and high school rootbeer floats will be served during lunch on Wednesday. The winners of the Ampride gift cards are Natalie Naastad and Ashton Zimprich! You can stop by the library to get your prize. For the October Reading Challenge, read 300 minutes for a chance to pie a teacher! The teachers for the elementary are Mrs. Strand, Mrs. Braaten, and Mrs. Iverson. The teachers for the high school are Mr. Konschak, Mr. Strand, and Miss Wood. Only the students who complete their 300 minutes can watch the event.
Today's Lunch: Cowboy Hotdish, Dinner Roll, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Muffin Tops, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: Alligator teeth are hollow.
Thursday September 28th Announcements:
1. Cross Country practice will be in Northwood after school.
Today's Lunch: Pizza, Glazed Carrots, Fruit
Monday's Breakfast: Granola Bar, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: A crocodile can not stick out its tongue.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are Thursday September 28th from 3:30-9pm. There will be ESP after school. 7-12 grade teachers will be in their classrooms. There is no school Friday September 29th.