Tuesday December 5th Announcements: 1. HS GBB practice will be in Hatton after school. 2. Good luck to the JH GBB teams as they travel to Mayville today. Players will be dismissed at 2:50 and leave at 3pm. 3. JH/HS BBB will have pictures and practice in Northwood after school. 4. Any 7-12 grade students that would like to volunteer at the preschool carnival Saturday Dec 9th from 11:30-1pm, please talk to Mrs. Pawlowski. This would be counted towards confirmation points or community service points. 5. Happy Birthday to Lila Ness today! Today's Lunch: Mr Rib, Chips, Baked Beans, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Mini Cinnamon Rolls, Fruit Bet You Didn't Know: Roasted ants are a popular snack in Columbia.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Congratulations to the elementary November Students of the month: 6th Grade - Joy Carey (not pictured); 5th Grade - Addy Iverson; 4th Grade - Eva Strand; 3rd Grade - Kashe Hanson; 2nd Grade - Lydia Pekrul (not pictured); 1st Grade - Liam Davis; K - Moses Smith. The Class of the Month for November was the 5th grade class.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Elementary Christmas Caroling
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Monday December 4th Announcements: 1. JH/HS GBB practice will be in Hatton after school. 2. JH/HS BBB practice will be in Northwood after school. 3. FBLA would like to thank everyone that donated to the Helping Hands Food Pantry. 1535 items were collected as well as $400 from the vending machine sales. 4. FBLA members, please wear your FBLA shirts on Wednesday for a picture of the food items and check that will be delivered to the food pantry. 5. Student Council will be meeting tomorrow morning at 8:00am in the library. 6. Students interested in speech should talk to Mr. Beaudoin or Ms. Wood. 7. As a reminder, students should not be taking food out of the lunchroom. If you are eating, eat in the lunchroom. You should not be taking food into the commons or gym. Today's Lunch: Hamburger Hotdish, Corn, Dinner Roll, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Mini Pancakes, Fruit Bet You Didn't Know: Today is National Cookie Day.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Thunder Classic game schedule
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Friday December 1st Announcements: 1. JH/HS BBB practice will be in Hatton after school. Today's Lunch: Sub Sandwiches, Fries, Fruit Monday's Breakfast: Granola Bar, Fruit Bet You Didn't Know: There is a radish that looks like a watermelon on the inside.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Hatton Eielson Elementary will be having their annual rummage sale on Friday December 15th. If you have toys, Thunder attire, books, ect that your children have out-grown, this is a great opportunity to donate. All items sell for twenty five cents and it will begin at 9:45 AM for the elementary students. Items can be dropped off in the elementary classrooms or the school office.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Thursday November 30th Announcements: 1. JH/HS GBB practice will be in Hatton after school. 2. JH/HS BBB practice will be in Northwood after school. 3. There will be a TSA meeting today at 3:10 in Mr. Foss' room. 4. FBLA Helping Food Pantry Project needs 45 more items to reach the goal by Friday. Please help reach the goal. 5. Any high school students that would like to volunteer at the preschool carnival Saturday Dec 9th, please talk to Mrs. Pawlowski. 6. There will be a representative from the University of Minnesota-Crookston here today at 1:30 in the conference room. 7. Happy Birthday to Lily Courchene and Ruby Courchene today! Today's Lunch: Chili, Corn Muffins, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Poptarts, Fruit Bet You Didn't Know: A popular soft drink in the United Kingdom is made with dandelions.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Wednesday November 29th Announcements: 1. There will be a tutoring meeting in Ms. Wood's room at 3:10 today. Today's Lunch: Bosco Sticks, Green Beans, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Omelet, Toast, Fruit Bet You Didn't Know: A Komodo dragon can swallow a goat whole.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Hatton Learning Program Christmas Carnival
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Join the fun for Christmas in Hatton! Any students grades 7th-12th interested in helping out, be at the Community Center by 1:45pm.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
The lost and found has grown. Please come get your things.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Northwood Football
Lost and Found
Tuesday November 28th Announcements: 1. Good luck to the HS GBB teams as they host Cavalier in Northwood tonight with the Junior varsity game starting at 5:30. Players will be leaving at 4:10. 2. JH GBB practice will be in Northwood after school. 3. JH/HS BBB basketball practice will be in Hatton after school. 4. FBLA members, please turn in your pizza orders to Mrs. Lorenz as soon as possible and no later than noon today. Today's Lunch: Fish Burgers, Chips, Baked Beans, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Apple Frudel, Fruit Bet You Didn't Know: Today is National French Toast Day.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
The schedule for our Thunder Christmas Classic held in Northwood over Christmas Break.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Join us for the Elementary Winter Concert
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Hatton/ Northwood FBLA Annual Blood Dec. 5 12:30 pm to 6:00 pm.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Monday November 27th Announcements: 1. JH/HS GBB practice will be in Northwood after school. 2. JH/HS BBB practice will be in Hatton after school. 3. There will be a robotics meeting today at 3:10 in the ITV room. 4. FBLA pizza sales are due Tuesday, Nov. 28th to Mrs. Lorenz 5. Business Financial Planning will meet today at 3:10 in the computer lab. 6. FBLA Community Service Project will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 28 at 8:00 am. in the computer lab 7. There will be a National Honor Society meeting tomorrow at 8am in Ms. Wood's room. Today's Lunch: Chicken Alfredo, Peas, Garlic Toast, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Mini Waffles, Fruit Bet You Didn't Know: There was no ice in Antarctica 55 million years ago.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Wednesday, November 22nd Announcements: 1. High School SOS Activity in the new gym starting at 12:30PM. 2. Monday, November 27th, students interested in robotics can meet Mr. Vogleweed in the ITV room at 3:00PM. Today's Lunch: French Toast, Hashbrown, Sausage, Fruit. Monday's Breakfast: NutriGrain Bar, Fruit. Bet You Didn't Know: The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade began in 1924 with only 400 employees.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
School will be dismissing at 2pm Wednesday November 22nd and there is no school November 23rd and 24th for Thanksgiving Break. There is no after school program on Wednesday Nov 22nd.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Tuesday, November 21, 2023 Announcements: 1. There will be a UND representative here this morning at 10:00 to visit with any juniors and seniors interested in learning more about UND. 2. JH/HS GBB practice will be in Hatton after school today. 3. Good luck to the elementary boys basketball teams as they travel to Mayville today with games starting at 4pm. Players will be dismissed at 2:55 and leave at 3:05. 4. There will be a pre-season meeting for HS boys BB today in Northwood at 3:35pm. If you cannot make it, please contact Mr. Kvilvang. They are also looking for someone to do stats for boys basketball this year, please email Mr. Kvilvang and he will get that information to you! Today's Lunch: Pulled Pork, Chips, Baked Beans, Fruit; Tomorrow's Breakfast: Mini Bagels, Fruit; Bet You Didn't Know: Americans eat 46 million turkeys each Thanksgiving.
over 1 year ago, Hatton Eielson Public School