Do you want to beat the rush of paying for fees and lunch for the upcoming school year??? Please stop in at the school office and pay early. Office hours are 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Monday - Thursday and 9am-12pm Friday.
New to the Hatton School and need bus transportation? Hatton Eielson School does have rural bus service. If you are not currently on a route, please call us at 701-543-3455 to get on a bus route.
Our FACS teacher, Miss Mehus, is having a Back to School Pampered Chef Party! ALL rewards & free products earned through this party will be used to buy new utensils/appliances that she will be donating to Hatton Eielson's FACS Classroom.
You can donate directly towards the classroom by shopping the FACS PC wish list here!
Congratulations to Lilly Boe, Lexi Martin, Rafe Gibson, Jasper Mendoza, Amelia Triebold, Lorelai Blaufuss, and Cooper Winkle for completing the Beanstack Summer Reading Challenge by reading 480 minutes! They earned a ticket to the Summer Reading Challenge Pool Party on August 16. See the information attached if you would like to participate in the Summer Reading Challenge. There is still time to complete the challenge before August 16!
New families to our school district that plan on attending Hatton Eielson School for the 2023-2024 year, should stop at the school office for registration paperwork. If you have a kindergartner and did not go to Gearing Up for Kindergarten this spring, please stop by the office.
Thunder Fall Sports & Activities
The Traill County Community Giving Project will be distributing backpacks full of school supplies to Traill County children on August 8th. The distribution day is open to children entering grades K-12 and no referral is needed to receive a backpack!
Drama auditions
Are you in need of Thunder apparel for the upcoming school year? Visit the link provided to customize your order.
Here are some new Handbook Changes for Hatton Eielson High School for the 23-24 School Year. The Three factors to lose privileges still are Attendance, Grades and Behavior
Olivia Beaudoin finished her 7th grade year as a National FCCLA Star Event TOP 10 FINALIST! Olivia competed in Teach or Train; Level 1. Congratulations to you, Olivia! 🥳👏🏻
Here is the calendar for the 2023-2024 school year. The calendar can also be found on the school website under Menu - Resources - 2023-2024 School Calendar
New families to our school district that plan on attending Hatton Eielson School for the 2023-2024 year, should stop at the school office for registration paperwork. If you have a kindergartner and did not go to Gearing Up for Kindergarten this spring, please stop by the office.
GOOD LUCK to 7th grader Olivia Beaudoin as she competes at National FCCLA this coming week in Denver, Colorado! Let’s wish her the best of luck! ❤️🤍🖤
Thunder football apparel store. Store closes July 10th.
Sport physicals are needed for student athletes grades 7th-12th to compete/practice. Completed forms from the physician must be turned into the coach. Sanford Mayville Clinic is one of the nearby facilities to call for an appointment.
Supply List for 2023-2024 School year. The list is also found on the school website
( under Documents-Resources-23-24 Supply list
New families to our school district that plan on attending Hatton Eielson School for the 2023-2024 year, should stop at the school office for registration paperwork. If you have a kindergartner and did not go to Gearing Up for Kindergarten this spring, please stop by the office.
Here is the link to the Thunder Girls Golf Team Store! The deadline for ordering is July 4th. Contact Coach Strand with any questions.
Currently looking for a paraprofessional. Come join our team!! Fill out our ancillary application that can be found on our website