Parent/Teacher Conferences are Thursday February 9th from 3:45-9pm. Daycare is provided by FCCLA in the ITV room. There is no school Friday February 10th.

Wednesday February 8th Announcements:
1. HS GBB practice will be in Northwood after school.
2. There is a baseball sign-up sheet outside of Mr. Carpenter's office for anyone in grades 9-12 planning on playing baseball. Please sign up by Monday.
3. Valentine order forms and money need to be turned into the office by tomorrow.
Today's Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Macaroni and Cheese, Corn, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Breakfast Corndogs, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: Today is National Kite Flying Day.

Tuesday February 7th Announcements:
1. Good luck to the JH BBB teams as they host Thompson in Northwood tonight with the 7th grade game at 4pm. Players will be leaving at 3:10.
2. HS BBB practice will be in Northwood after school and players will be leaving at 3:10pm.
3. Good luck to our girls basketball teams as they travel to Thompson tonight with the 7th grade game starting at 4pm. JH players will be leaving at 2:50pm and HS players will be leaving at 4:20pm.
4. FBLA will be meeting during CLT today.
5. Seniors will be meeting during 7th hour in the Chem lab.
6. Happy Birthday to Lorelai Blaufuss today!
Today's Lunch: McRib, Chips, Baked Beans, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Cheese Omelet, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: The bullfrog is the only animal that never sleeps.

Another apparel store to order Track and Field clothing. This store closes on Feb. 13th and orders take about 4 weeks to get.

Monday February 6th Announcements:
1. JH/HS GBB practice will be in Hatton after school.
2. JH BBB practice will be in Northwood after school. There is no HS practice
3. Juniors will be meeting during CLT today in Mr. Strand's room.
4. SOS peer leaders will be meeting during CLT in Ms. Wood's room
5. There will be a NHS meeting in Ms. Wood's room tomorrow morning at 8am.
6. Valentine order forms and money need to be turned into the office by Thursday.
7. There is a Track and Field sign-up sheet on Mrs. Soine's window for boys and girls in grades 7-12. Please sign up by February 9th.
Today's Lunch: Spaghetti, Green Beans, Garlic Toast, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Mini Cinnamon Rolls, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: The first Six Flags theme park opened in 1961.

Track apparel site

Wrestling Parents: There will be an informational meeting about the possibility of joining Northwood as a wrestling co-op on Wednesday, February 8th at 7:00pm in the Hatton Eielson School Library.

Friday February 3rd Announcements:
1. Good luck to the GBB teams as they host Midway/Minto in Northwood tonight with the 7th grade game starting at 4pm with the 8th grade to follow. The JV game will start at 4:30pm. JH players will be leaving at 3pm and HS players will be leaving at 3:30pm.
2. Good luck to the Varsity BBB team as they host Dakota Prairie in Northwood with thegame starting at 6pm.
3. JH BBB practice will be in Hatton after school.
4. FBLA Week is next week and Monday is Hawaiian Day so wear your tropical clothes.
5. Congratulations to the elementary students on the January Awards: 1st Grade was class of the month, Jubilee Piatt and Natalya Axt are Students of the Month, Dustin Landa is Character of the Month, Emma Iverson and Layne Peterson received the Perfect Attendance Awards.
6. Happy Birthday to Ewan Davis today!
Today's Lunch: Pizza, Green Beans, Fruit
Monday's Breakfast: Cereal Bar, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: One acre of peanuts will make about 30,000 peanut butter sandwiches.

Elementary Students of the Month for January are Jubliee Piatt and Natalya Axt. Class of the Month was the 1st Grade Class and Character of the Month went to Dustin Landa. Congratulations to all!!

Elementary January Perfect Attendance 4th-6th and Perfect Attendance winners

Elementary January Perfect Attendance K-3

Only a week to get your Valentine's order forms in!! Money and forms need to be turned into the school office by Thursday February 9th and deliveries will be made on Tuesday February 14th.

Thursday February 2nd Announcements:
1. Good luck to the boys basketball teams as they travel to Park River tonight with the JH starting at 4:30pm with the Varsity to follow. JH/HS players will be leaving at 2:30pm.
2. Good luck to the girls basketball teams as they host Griggs/Midkota in Hatton tonight with the 7th grade game starting at 4pm.
3. The Track and Field sign-up sheet is on Mrs. Soine's window. Please sign up by February 9th.
4. Valentine order forms are now available in the main office. Order forms and money need to be turned into the office by Thursday February 9th.
5. The sign up sheet for the Snowball Dance is by Mr. Soine's office. There is also a sign up sheet for bus transportation for the dance.
6. SMILE will be meeting today during CLT.
Today's Lunch: Tomato Soup, Grilled Cheese, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Oatmeal Bar, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: The first sailing boats were built in Egypt.

Wednesday February 1st Announcements:
1. HS GBB practice will be in Hatton after school. There is no JH practice.
2. HS BBB practice will be in Northwood after school. There is no JH practice.
3. CYO will be meeting at St. John Church tonight at 5:30. Students grades 6-12 are invited.
4. Happy Birthday to Madilyn Wood and Teddy Peterick today!
Today's Lunch: Chicken Fajitas, Corn, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Breakfast Bagel, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: The strike note of the Liberty Bell is E flat.

Tuesday January 31st Announcements:
1. Good luck to the girls basketball teams as they travel to Drayton tonight. JH players will be leaving at 1:25pm and HS players will be leaving at 3:40pm.
2. JH/HS BBB practice will be in Northwood after school.
3. There is a sign up sheet for the Snowball Dance by Mr. Soine's office. There is also a sign up sheet for bus transportation for the dance.
4. There is a Track and Field sign-up sheet on Mrs. Soine's window for boys and girls in grades 7-12. If interested, please sign up by February 9th.
5. Happy Birthday to Benson Ness today!
Today's Lunch: Pizza Burger, Chips, Baked Beans, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Mini Waffles, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: All scorpions glow.

Book Fair

Monday January 30th Announcements:
1. Good luck to the JH GBB teams as they travel to Grafton today. Players will be leaving at 1:50pm today.
2. HS GBB practice will be in Hatton after school.
3. Good luck to the BBB teams as they travel to Larimore tonight with the 7th grade game starting at 5pm. JH players will be leaving at 3:30 and HS players will be leaving at 4:25.
4. Congratulations to the Hatton-Northwood Speech team on their 2nd straight 1st place finish on Saturday. Evelyn Grad placed 1st and qualified for state in Impromptu. Individual Events were as follows: 1st Serious Duo: Hannah Scholand/Noah Scholand; 4th Dramatic: Evelyn Grad; 5th Serious: Evelyn Grad, 8th Hannah Scholand; 3rd Poetry: Evelyn Grad
5. The Test results came in for FBLA Emerging Leaders Competition: 1st Place - Rylan Wamstad~Entrepreneurship Test, Cooper Handly~Computer Problem Solving; 2nd Place- Drew Handly~Accounting Test, Brooklyn Galde~Business Law Test tied, Spencer Boe~Entrepreneurship Test tied. Hatton/Northwood also took 2nd Place over all the schools.
6. ACT prep will be with Mr. Cormier during CLT today.
7. Valentine order forms are now available in the main office. Order forms and money need to be turned into the office by Thursday February 9th.
8. Happy Birthday to Matthew Martin today!
Today's Lunch: Chicken Alfredo, Broccoli, Breadstick, Fruit
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Mini Bagels, Fruit
Bet You Didn't Know: The clarinet was invented around 1700 in Germany.

Snowball Dance Saturday!! There is a sign up sheet by Mr. Soine's Office. There will also be transportation provided for Hatton students to Northwood. Bus leaves at 7:30 pm, and there is a sign up sheet by Mr. Soine's Office.

The boys' basketball games tomorrow have been postponed. The girls' basketball games will be Junior Varsity at 11:00am and Varsity at 12:30pm.

Kindergarten and 1st grade celebrated the 100th day of school today