School will be dismissing at 2pm Tuesday May 18th and Wednesday May 19th and will dismiss at 12pm Thursday May 20th. Have a GREAT Summer!
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
The 4th-6th graders had a field trip to some businesses around Hatton today. They visited the Hatton Eielson Museum, Hatton Granite and Due North Bakery. Thanks for letting the students visit!
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
Congratulations to the Girls track team on winning the Red River Valley Conference meet last week.
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
Please Return Your Library Books!
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
Congratulations to Ella Holkesvig on qualifying for the state track meet in the triple jump!
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
Free to anyone. They are located by the bus barn at the school.
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
filing cabinets
Lost and found. If any of these items belong to you, please pick them up. Items will be donated if not claimed.
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
Congratulations to Jenna Soine for setting the new school record in the 3200 meter race with a time of 11:34. Way to go Jenna!
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
5th and 6th graders learning about owls at Turtle River State Park.
almost 4 years ago, Joel Foss
turtle river
turtle river
The Baseball games today vs. FSHP in Hope starting at 4:30 will be live streamed.
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
The HS baseball games at Hillsboro today will be live streamed. Games start at 4:30pm. Here is the link:
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
Friday May 14th is the Hatton Clean Up Day. If you have larger items that you would like removed from your place of residence, please call Tina at the school (543-3455). Please provide your name, address and phone number. Items will be picked up in the afternoon on May 14th.
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
Ballots have been prepared for this year's school election. Voting will take place in-person on Tuesday, June 8th at the school commons area from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. If unavailable to vote in-person, please contact Roxanne for an absentee ballot application.
almost 4 years ago, Roxanne Phipps
The JH softball game scheduled for today in Hillsboro has been rescheduled to May 13th at 4:30pm.
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
Traill County Health will be at the school May 10th at 1:00 pm to administer COVID vaccines to students ages 16-18. Parents will need to go online and register their children at the link below.​ The deadline to register is April 30th.
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
The JH Baseball game against Mayville today at 4pm, will be played in Mayville. The Softball game at Hankinson today, has been cancelled.
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
The Hatton/Northwood Prom Grand March Saturday April 17th in Hatton will be live streamed through the NFHS Network (this is the same website used for sporting events). Grand march starts at 8pm. There may be a recording if the live stream doesn't work.
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
School will dismiss at 1:45pm tomorrow Wednesday April 14th for Professional Development
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
The scheduled baseball games against Thompson today, have been postponed as well as the Softball game against Nelson County.
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe
The baseball game scheduled today against New Rockford/Sheyenne in Hatton has been postponed.
almost 4 years ago, Tina Boe