Friday January 14th Announcements: 1. Good luck to our girls and boys basketball teams as they host Larimore today in a double header in Northwood. JV games will start at 4:30 with the Varsity girls to start at 6pm and the Varsity boys to follow. 2. JH GBB practice will be in Hatton after school. 3. Good luck to our JH boys basketball teams as they travel to Hillsboro tonight with games starting at 4pm. Players will be dismissed at 2:25 and leave at 2:35. 4. There will be elementary basketball tomorrow in Northwood. The girls will be from 8-8:45am and boys from 9-9:45am. Today's Lunch: Pizza, Green Beans, Fruit Tuesday's Breakfast: Mini Bagels, Fruit Bet you didn't know: There is a radish that looks like a watermelon on the inside.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Snowball 2022 will be January 28th in Hatton
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Thursday January 13th Announcements: 1. Good luck to our girls basketball teams today as they travel to Binford to play Griggs/Midkota. JH players will be dismissed at 1:45 leaving at 1:55 on the Hatton mini bus. HS players will ride over to Northood with the boys basketball team after school. 2. JH/HS BBB will practice in Northwood after school. 3. ACT prep will be with Mr. Cormier during CLT today. Today's Lunch: Chicken Wild Rice Soup, Pretzel, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Oatmeal Bars, Fruit Bet you didn't know: A popular soft drink in the United Kingdom is made with dandelions.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Wednesday January 12th Announcements: 1. HS GBB practice will be in Northwood after school. There is no JH practice. 2. HS BBB practice will be in Hatton and there is no JH practice. 3. Student lead P/T conference planning will be during CLT today. 4. Jr CYO will meet tonight at St. Johns church at 5:30 for supper and fun activity. Today's Lunch: Soft Shell Tacos, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: French Toast, Fruit Bet you didn't know: A Komodo dragon call swallow a goat whole.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Tuesday January 11th Announcements: 1. JH/HS GBB practice will be in Northwood after school. Please make sure to clear out the girls locker room before CLT. 2. Good luck to the JH/HS BBB teams as they host MPCG in Hatton tonight with games starting at 4pm. 3. Pep Band will be playing tonight. Please be ready to play by 7pm. 4. Student Council will be meeting during CLT today in the library. Today's Lunch: Pulled Pork, Chips, Baked Beans, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Muffins, Fruit Bet you didn't know: It takes 65 tons of paint to cover the Eieffel Tower.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Monday January 10th Announcements: 1. Good luck to our JH/HS girls basketball teams as they travel to Midway tonight with games starting at 4pm. JH players will be dismissed at 2:00 and leave at 2:10. HS players will be leaving at 3:30 with Mr. Beaudoin. 2. JH/HS BBB practice will be in Hatton after school. 3. SOS peer leaders will be meeting during CLT in Ms. Wood's room. 4. Speech practice and Robotics will be in Northwood after school today. You will be riding with Mr. Beaudoin and load by the bus barn. Today's Lunch: Hamburger Hotdish, Corn, Dinner Roll, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Mini Cinnamon Rolls, Fruit Bet you didn't know: Rhino horns are made of the same substance as human fingernails.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Congratulations to sophomore Brynley Coleman as she was named Crookston Pirate of the Week by the Crookston Daily Times.
almost 3 years ago, Christopher Strand
Pirate of the Week
Friday January 7th Announcements: 1. JH/HS GBB practice will be in Hatton after school. 2. Good luck to the HS BBB team as they travel to Langdon tonight. Players will be dismissed at 1:50 and leave at 2pm. 3. JH BBB practice will be in Northwood after school. 4. Elementary basketball will be tomorrow morning in Northwood: girls from 8-8:45am and boys from 9-9:45am. 5. Happy Birthday to Joey Westmoreland today! Today's Lunch: Fiestada Pizza, Glazed Carrots, Fruit Monday's Breakfast: Nutri Grain Bar, Fruit Bet you didn't know: About 235 different languages are spoken in China.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
UPDATE ON LANGDON BBB TOMORROW: Due to incoming weather, the game times have been moved up to the following start times. JV - 5:00 Varsity - 6:15
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Thursday January 6th Announcements: 1. Good luck to the JH/HS girls basketball teams as they travel to Park River tonight with games starting at 4pm. JH players will be dismissed at 1:50 and leave at 2pm. HS will be leaving at 3:30. 2. JH/HS BBB practice will be in Northwood after school. 3. ACT prep will be with Mr. Woutat during CLT today. Today's Lunch: Chili, Caramel Rolls, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Poptarts, Fruit Bet you didn't know: Melting icebergs can flip upside down.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
No school today, Wednesday January 5th. All activities cancelled.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Hatton Eielson School and buses will be 2 hours late Wednesday January 5th. Classes will start at 10:30 AM.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
January 4th Weather Update: The Boys Basketball game vs. HCV has been postponed. Make-up date to be announced. The Girls Basketball game vs. DVE has been postponed. Make-up date to be announced. There will be no after school activities.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Tuesday January 4th Announcements: 1. Good luck to our JH/HS girls basketball teams as they host Drayton-Valley-Edinburg tonight in Hatton with games starting at 6pm. 2. Good luck to our JH/HS boys basketball teams as they travel to Central Valley tonight for their game vs Hillsboro/Central Valley. JH players will be dismissed at 2:10 and leave at 2:20. HS players will be leaving at 4:20. 3. FBLA members please sign up to work concessions Tuesday January 11th and also the pizza order money is due ASAP. Today's Lunch: Hamburgers, Chips, Baked Beans, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Breakfast Bake, Fruit Bet you didn't know: Chili pepper crops grow hotter when there is less rain.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Robotics Team demonstrating their robot on the day before Christmas break.
almost 3 years ago, Marilyn Hoge
Before Christmas break, members of the Thunder Robotics Team 876 demonstrated their robot for elementary students as a STEM activity.
Members of the Thunder Robotics team demonstrated their robot for elementary students as a STEM activity.
The 3rd grade class with the robot and Robotics team members.
Monday January 3rd Announcements: 1. JH/HS GBB practice will be in Hatton after school. 2. Good luck to the HS boys basketball teams as they travel to Grafton tonight with the JV game starting at 6pm. Players will be dismissed at 3:20 and leave at 3:30. 3. JH BBB practice will be in Northwood after school. 4. SMILE will be meeting during CLT today. 5. Happy Birthday to Brooklyn Galde today! Today's Lunch: Chicken Alfredo, Peas, Breadstick, Fruit Tomorrow's Breakfast: Apple Frudel, Fruit Bet you didn't know: Legend says that pirate treasure may be buried near the Statue of Liberty.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
Hatton Eielson School: Due to the weather all activities and practices have been cancelled for today. (12/27/21) The BBB game with FW has been postponed.
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Beaudoin
Happy Holidays from the teachers and staff of Hatton Eielson Public School!
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
School will be dismissing at 2pm Tuesday December 21st and there is no school December 22nd through January 2nd. Classes will resume on Monday January 3rd.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School
The Public Library will be closed Thursday December 23rd and Saturday December 25th.
almost 3 years ago, Hatton Eielson Public School